How often have we heard each other say, to excuse some imagined failing or falling short, "I'm only human!" The irony is, however, that we're not. It's just that when we feel that way or say those words, we have in that moment forgotten all the rest that we are – the soul-stuff on the inside that we can't see but which makes all the difference to our humanity and to our time and purposes on this Earth. Every one of us is composed of both an inner and an outer – essence and form, the unseen and the seen, feeling and fact, soul and body. Our whole life we are in a continual exchange between these. Our original primary “directive” comes from the inner – our soul-urges and purposes – which are broadcast into our heart as intuition, longing for meaning and purpose, and what we might call our personal heart-truths. These are always striving to be acknowledged and expressed outwardly, even while inviting us to bring our outer experiences inward to make sense and meaning of them. However, we often forget or suppress aspects of our softer, more diffuse, inner nature in the demands of our daily lives and the needs and preoccupations of the physical vehicle that is our interface with the world. As we become consumed by the responsibilities, pleasures and challenges of the visible outer world – our inner realms can sometimes seem like a swampy soup of feelings, thoughts and desires that we often put off sorting out. The thing is, we're not here to be perfect. We're here to use our so-called imperfections as creative tools to explore how much more we can do with the seeming limitations of flesh, bone, matter and time when we tap into our built-in Divine power-source. This is the great paradox of being human – that the more we awaken to and engage with the inner divinity that is our own soul, the more "super-charged" our humanity can become. Why are we here? We have been asking this since at least humankind began to record thoughts and feelings. Why are we here in this foreign outpost where we have to walk-not-fly, with eyes veiled, inner ears deafened, true self muffled and mostly forgetful of everything we already know – to muddle through this quicksand-like obstacle course of becoming who we already are and trying to remember what we already know!?" As this question lingered within me, one Spring morning I was walking through a Hudson Highlands forest in upstate New York admiring all the newborn life around me when I began to “hear” these words. I sat on a stone wall to capture them on paper….
As the retelling here takes me back to that moment, I am flooded again with awe and humility. We are not ever “only human.” On this Earth we are the all of it, both Divine and Human! Divine-Human beings expressing howevermuch of either or both of these we choose to express in any moment of time. What an amazing paradox we are! And so yes, Earth life does pull us toward the denser vibrations of matter – but it is the heart and soul within us that shows us which matter really does matter to us! And it does seem that the more we allow our inner to weigh in with our outer choices and expressions, the lighter and more fulfilled we become. And the more of ourselves we become, the more of ourselves we are able to give away and still keep! And ultimately, as our relationships and creations flower with more and more light and meaning, the more love and wisdom is rooted within and among us. And surely, hopefully, the greater our world can become. Partial excerpts from Birth Angels Book of Days Daily Wisdoms with the 72 Angels of the Tree of Life Volume 1 March 21 - June 2 Relationship with the Divine Messages that illuminate and amplify our true soul nature as a spark of the Divine Itself, and help us to bring soul-awareness into the details and doings of our daily lives.
I was having breakfast in a diner one morning when I noticed a woman intently discussing a situation with her companion. I couldn’t hear the details, but suddenly she said, a little louder and with more emphasis, “truth be known….” Since I have a particular liking for the word "truth" and its often colorful applications and appropriations, it immediately set me to wondering what truth was being made known in that moment. I kept thinking about it after I left the diner and went walking in the woods, ruminating on those very common, even cliché, words and all the different kinds of things that happen when a truth is made known – especially if it has been long unexpressed, repressed or ignored. Sooner or later, truth will have its way with us. Sometimes it makes itself known slowly and quietly over the course of days, weeks or years. Sometimes it bursts forth epiphanously and joyfully, or scandalously and unwelcomingly. In my own history, I've seen how untold truths in families can fester for years, causing some family members to become estranged, some to be in a perpetual state of anger or illness, and some to act out in extreme and hurtful ways toward him/herself or others. All because of a truth unspoken, a secret harbored, a lie perpetuated. And if as individuals we are "seeds" of our collective humanity, it isn't a far reach to understand where our societal trends originate. Lots of truths have infamously emerged in the media over years of journalistic and tabloid tell-alls about sexual exploits, power-and-greed mongering, ponzi schemes and other financial frauds and more – and most of them involving elaborate cover-ups sometimes for years. But when the truth is finally told – does it really “set us free?” I have observed time and again the interesting dynamics of that famous Biblical phrase, “the truth shall set you free.” The rippling effect of a truth-telling can be vast, sending catalystic (if not cataclysmic) ripples out into our relationships with family, friends and community, and sometimes the world at large. So no, it is not always freedom we feel at a truth’s first revelation. A truth expressed can turn lives and organizations upside down and inside out, wreaking havoc on “life as we knew it” the moment before the truth was told. But while the effect of a truth-telling may initially be one of chaos, sooner or later the transformative gifts of truth emerge if we let them. However long may be our stubborn or grief-stricken focus on the damage a "truth told" has seemed to create, ultimately it yields an enormous and even miraculous potential for relief, acceptance, closeness, joy and new life. Furthermore, when we let truth have its purifying way with us, it seems to beget some truth in everyone around us. When one person speaks his or her truth, there is a kind of invitation in the air for others to express theirs. And in the end, we discover that it is only the covered over truths and the untruths – the lies – that leave scabbed-over festering wounds. Truth may hurt at first, but it always heals us if we let it. And here’s a paradoxical step further with “the truth shall set you free.” One of the miracles about truth-telling is that a truth expressed sets truth itself free. For the nature of truth is not static – but fluid. And as soon as we allow a truth to flow and do its healing work, we find that there is another truth just around the bend that has been waiting for the expression and release of that which came before it in order for this new truth to be realized and expressed. For example, have you ever harbored a thought or feeling about someone, only to realize after you finally expressed it that you suddenly didn’t feel that way anymore? Or you’ve fought and worked for something that at one time you desperately and truly felt and wanted – only to discover when it was finally possible that you didn’t really want it anymore? Something had changed – YOU had changed – and you didn’t know it because you'd been fixated on that old unrequited truth for so long that you had actually outgrown your need or desire for it. Somehow it was only in finally expressing it that you got to see and feel that it was no longer true – and surprise! – a newer, truer truth begins to emerge. There is much truth-telling to be told in all our lives. Telling and living our truths – and allowing those truths to change with us – is part of the daily wonder of truing up our lives at every level. For truth-telling is about coming out of the closets of our hearts and souls and daring to give wings to what lies within. To express and be more of who we are, and to invite others in our lives to do the same. For the truer we are with ourselves and each other, the truer and more whole we might all become. So I invite you if you’re so inclined: tell me your own truth-telling story – perhaps a long-harboured truth finally expressed? Or maybe a truth you tried to tell your whole life, but you were not believed…..until finally you were? How did you feel, how did others feel? What/who changed? What ended, what new thing began? |
Terah CoxLover of words & music, mountains and meaning, good friends and food, co-creative timeless talk and the more than meets the eye of everything! Archives
June 2020
Words are like gates. They can open us to each other's hearts and minds and show us those sacred places we can only go without them.