A New Angle on Angels ~ Meet the 72 Angels of the Angelic Kabbalah

The rediscovery of the 72 Angels tradition in the latter 20th century sheds new light on our age-old concepts of Angels as guardians and messengers. The long-hidden Angelic Kabbalah reveals the 72 Angels of the Tree of Life as energetic emanations of the Divine Light and Being which express the diverse qualities of the Divine within, and as, the diversity of humanity. In their loving and transformative support of our particular challenges, purposes and potentials, the Angelic Divine "angles" of light dwelling within and among us help us to realize our soul purposes and the greater truth of who we are -- that we are not "only human," but Divine-Human beings in a glorious dance of soul-body-heart-mind, here to bring the powers and purposes of the heavens to Earth through our unique beings, creations and relationships.
When we do not have a webinar scheduled, you may arrange a private webinar, and attend individually or invite participants of your own choosing. The 72 Angels webinars and intensives offer you an understanding of the origin and nature of the 72 Angelic Energies, their purposes in your life and how to engage with them on a daily basis in all the different aspects of your human being and doing. In addition, as you learn to work with your personal Birth Angels, you will come to understand what aspects of the Divine you are here to uniquely embody and express, and how to work with both your light and shadow potentials to manifest more of your soul totality here on Earth.
Just as with other self-discovery systems, the correspondences of the 72 Angels tradition with astrology, numerology, the Aura-Soma color system, Human Design, the Ageless Wisdoms, the Enneagram and other traditions and practices can enhance the work of practitioners and healers of all kinds. (See 'The Angelic Kabbalah for Our Time ~ What This Work Offers.') Also see Comments from Participants in the 72 Angels Webinars.
When we do not have a webinar scheduled, you may arrange a private webinar, and attend individually or invite participants of your own choosing. The 72 Angels webinars and intensives offer you an understanding of the origin and nature of the 72 Angelic Energies, their purposes in your life and how to engage with them on a daily basis in all the different aspects of your human being and doing. In addition, as you learn to work with your personal Birth Angels, you will come to understand what aspects of the Divine you are here to uniquely embody and express, and how to work with both your light and shadow potentials to manifest more of your soul totality here on Earth.
Just as with other self-discovery systems, the correspondences of the 72 Angels tradition with astrology, numerology, the Aura-Soma color system, Human Design, the Ageless Wisdoms, the Enneagram and other traditions and practices can enhance the work of practitioners and healers of all kinds. (See 'The Angelic Kabbalah for Our Time ~ What This Work Offers.') Also see Comments from Participants in the 72 Angels Webinars.
Daily Wisdoms via Email

The Daily Wisdoms Email Subscription gives us a convenient way to access the Wisdom of the day's Heart Angel on our devices wherever we happen to be. Helps to sustain a daily practice of spiritual attention and ongoing heart-and-soul awareness of our inner Angelic Divine, and to engage with the gentle but deeply transformative opportunities they bring to the days and moments of our lives. The first cycle of daily messages begins March 21, with each cycle spanning 72 +/- days. Sample: Read the Daily Wisdom for 72 MUMIAH / August 16 here.
72 Angels Inspiration Cards![]() The 72 Angels Inspiration Cards have been a big hit in our family of practitioners, students, teachers and all-around Angel lovers who are interested in the unique aspects and roles of the 72 Angels as presented in the Angelic Kabbalah. The cards help to remind us of the day's Heart Angel, which expresses specific qualities of Divine Love and Wisdom in the human heart, and they also offer a bit of inspiration in support of our human challenges, purposes and potentials. Includes the Hebrew letters for each Angel's name.
Volume 1 of the Book of Days![]() Relationship with the Divine
March 21 ~ June 2 We begin the Angelic year and the celebration of Spring with Volume 1 of the Daily Wisdoms, illuminating the mysteries of our relationship with the Divine within, among and around us. This sets the stage for relationship with oneself, work/purpose, others in our intimate circles, and our greater community. Although the books contain rich introductory material for each volume, the Daily Wisdoms are also available via Email Subscription, sent to your inbox just after midnight for the next day. |
Birth Angels Book of Days
Learn about Your Personal Birth Angels...

According to the Angelic mysteries of the Tree of Life, we are each attended by a particular “constellation” of Angelic Energies who dwell with and within us and whose Divine qualities correspond to our unique soul purposes, challenges and potentials for this lifetime. Thus, the three Angels who were the supporting energies at the moment we were born work within us throughout our lives to help amplify the spark of Divinity that is our soul and its expressions through our physicality and life purposing, heart and intellect. Read more...
Terah's 72 Angels Blog![]() Being a Fool for God...Some time ago after a lunar eclipse, I went to sleep with the shades wide open so that I could “moon-bathe” in the full moon, as a friend had suggested earlier that day. My dreams during the night were remarkable, but what woke me in the morning was an inner illumination that I had been eclipsing the fullness of my own light over the last few years with hesitation about doing deeper teaching on the 72 Angels tradition. ....Read more
Testimonials"A wonderful expansion on the original book, the daily wisdoms are a compass for me and a sanctuary to enfold my day. ...Can you imagine what it's like to read these messages high up among the trees...in a forest filled with the breath of God and all creation?" – Aletheia Mystea, Psychotherapist & Founder of Green Theology Ministries