Comments from Participants in the 72 Angels Webinars
It has been amazing to watch the transformative effect of deeper work with the 72 Angels upon the lives of those participating in the webinars -- especially in the 72 Angels Year-Long Intensive which will be winding down as the current 72 Angels yearly cycle ends on March 20 (and then begins again on March 21). I have asked these lovely people with whom we experienced some beautiful spiritual, intellectual and emotional deep-Angelic-diving together over this last year to offer some comments to give others an experiential sense of the courses. The reviews are trickling in, so this page will keep growing!

The year long 72 Angels Course helped me to experience these “angles of light” within a wonderfully supportive community. Terah brings a deeply rich understanding of each of the Angels, and the participants from all over the world bring not only their personal insights but also their wealth of understanding and expertise to enrich each meeting. It is truly intense yet well worth the investment of time and energy to have such in-depth sharing, community and growth. PH ~ Michigan, USA
Note: Contrary to the ‘less-is-more’ style that usually rules with reviews, I have chosen to offer below most of the wonderfully enthusiastic comments from participant Jikara Liddy because she gives such a great picture of the transformative potential of the 72 Angels Intensive, as well as the commingling of the 72 Angels work with other paths. Thank you Jikara!....

It is with much delight that I offer my feedback for the year long 72 Angels Intensive as I have been a HUGE fan of Terah's work for the past 8 years or so. The webinar format for the course is perfect because you have the ability to talk with Terah directly about your life whilst connecting with other like-minded souls. The handouts are great, and I highly recommend downloading and storing each of the webinar recordings as you go along so you can go back to immerse yourself in the gold whenever you need to for years to come! Terah's knowledge and…her ability to channel the angel's wisdom is profound, especially when she gets on a roll! The depth is so heartfelt -- way more than I expected. And I have received WAY MORE by participating and immersing myself in this angelic experience than I ever could've imagined – life-changing REALLY.
Hence, do what you can to attend every webinar which means carving out a 2 hour block every 5 days to attend the webinars and then make time to actively apply the wisdom. I thought initially we could whiz through these webinars in like an hour but the more we have come to know each other, the more we want to hear and share with the group. … because real stuff is coming up and we are learning how to apply the angel's wisdom with accepting and moving forward while respecting the ebbs & flows in our lives. I have absolutely LOVED watching everyone's transformation throughout the year as well as my own. The sense of comraderie has been very strong, particularly with others who have studied Aura-Soma as there was an underlying mutual connection. I have also shared my work in pairing of the Angels with the doTerra essential oils and my corresponding Ascension Key-RIng cards, so it has been wonderful especially connecting with others halfway across the globe with my own work
With all this, plus reading all of Terah's books and the Daily Wisdoms -- this course was the NEXT LEVEL. Working with each angel for the 5 days of its incarnational period has taken my awareness and experience of the angel to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL of assimilation. I have come to so many a-ha moments with my own life, witnessed others and cherished so many personal learnings from Terah. I feel completely transformed from the start of this course…becoming more present with the angelic presence being expressed in my life…really engaging with each angel with respect to the Divine, to the Self, with work, being in relationship with others and with my community.
The angelic synchronicities…the gifts and challenges (finding the gifts in the challenge) have been numerous. To take a year to reflect every 5 days has brought a level of awareness…that has allowed for alchemical transformation to take place for ultimate transmutation! In this last year I have launched my Ascension Key-Ring cards, lost my beloved cat Alfred suddenly, got married, had my car stolen, experienced deep sadness with the Australian bushfires, to now making the decision to move to the tropics in far North Queensland. Through all of this, the day-to-day working & playing with the angels this last year has helped to guide my way to a light that brings in so much possibility. Attending the course has made my life so much richer as my heart has E X P A N D E D in dimensions that were not previously conceivable. In short, the course has truly helped me to approach my life from a deeper place of love.
Terah is a wonderful facilitator filled with hope, wisdom, love; living & breathing with an ever-evolving truth. …She has shared many stories…life-affirming experiences, insights & wisdoms throughout the webinar series, which have been ABSOLUTE GOLD. … She has also been a collaborative leader in encouraging us to step up as leaders and trust in our inner tuition to lead spontaneous guided meditations to experience/imbibe the angel frequency. This has been a PHENOMENAL experience. I NOW TRUST in my ability to offer these types of spontaneous meditations whereas previously I would always have a script. I will be forever grateful just for this opportunity alone.
Thank you Terah from the bottom of my heart. I LOVE YOU and YOUR ANGELIC CONTRIBUTION to this life. I LOVED THIS COURSE and how much I have gained from it. IT WAS A HUGE COMMITMENT but I FEEL BETTER FOR IT! The capital letters are my emphasis of JOY that I wish to impart to any others who are on the fence whether they want to invest their time. It has made a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE to how I experience life here on PLANET EARTH. Here's to the 72 ANGELS!!! A Champagne Celebration of the Divine. Jikara Liddy ~ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia |
Hence, do what you can to attend every webinar which means carving out a 2 hour block every 5 days to attend the webinars and then make time to actively apply the wisdom. I thought initially we could whiz through these webinars in like an hour but the more we have come to know each other, the more we want to hear and share with the group. … because real stuff is coming up and we are learning how to apply the angel's wisdom with accepting and moving forward while respecting the ebbs & flows in our lives. I have absolutely LOVED watching everyone's transformation throughout the year as well as my own. The sense of comraderie has been very strong, particularly with others who have studied Aura-Soma as there was an underlying mutual connection. I have also shared my work in pairing of the Angels with the doTerra essential oils and my corresponding Ascension Key-RIng cards, so it has been wonderful especially connecting with others halfway across the globe with my own work
With all this, plus reading all of Terah's books and the Daily Wisdoms -- this course was the NEXT LEVEL. Working with each angel for the 5 days of its incarnational period has taken my awareness and experience of the angel to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL of assimilation. I have come to so many a-ha moments with my own life, witnessed others and cherished so many personal learnings from Terah. I feel completely transformed from the start of this course…becoming more present with the angelic presence being expressed in my life…really engaging with each angel with respect to the Divine, to the Self, with work, being in relationship with others and with my community.
The angelic synchronicities…the gifts and challenges (finding the gifts in the challenge) have been numerous. To take a year to reflect every 5 days has brought a level of awareness…that has allowed for alchemical transformation to take place for ultimate transmutation! In this last year I have launched my Ascension Key-Ring cards, lost my beloved cat Alfred suddenly, got married, had my car stolen, experienced deep sadness with the Australian bushfires, to now making the decision to move to the tropics in far North Queensland. Through all of this, the day-to-day working & playing with the angels this last year has helped to guide my way to a light that brings in so much possibility. Attending the course has made my life so much richer as my heart has E X P A N D E D in dimensions that were not previously conceivable. In short, the course has truly helped me to approach my life from a deeper place of love.
Terah is a wonderful facilitator filled with hope, wisdom, love; living & breathing with an ever-evolving truth. …She has shared many stories…life-affirming experiences, insights & wisdoms throughout the webinar series, which have been ABSOLUTE GOLD. … She has also been a collaborative leader in encouraging us to step up as leaders and trust in our inner tuition to lead spontaneous guided meditations to experience/imbibe the angel frequency. This has been a PHENOMENAL experience. I NOW TRUST in my ability to offer these types of spontaneous meditations whereas previously I would always have a script. I will be forever grateful just for this opportunity alone.
Thank you Terah from the bottom of my heart. I LOVE YOU and YOUR ANGELIC CONTRIBUTION to this life. I LOVED THIS COURSE and how much I have gained from it. IT WAS A HUGE COMMITMENT but I FEEL BETTER FOR IT! The capital letters are my emphasis of JOY that I wish to impart to any others who are on the fence whether they want to invest their time. It has made a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE to how I experience life here on PLANET EARTH. Here's to the 72 ANGELS!!! A Champagne Celebration of the Divine. Jikara Liddy ~ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia |

I have had the pleasure of learning about the Angelic Kabbalah with Terah over the last year or more. Her passion and attention to detail has made these courses both informative and relevant in my life, and I have been able to utilize the material with my own work. Terah takes ample time with each of us making sure that we fully understand the material being presented and clearly shows how much she cares by allowing us to share with her and our classmates our successes and challenges that may have arisen since our last meeting. She has created a family unit amongst our group that we will carry long after our course ends.
Terah has definitely shown me yet another way to see the world and the role I bring to this lifetime. I value her knowledge and wisdom which continues to help me grow and evolve in my own spiritual journey. Sheryl Hamza, PhD, Intuitive, Aura-Soma Registered Consultant, Feng Shui Master Practitioner, Mom, Wife, Writer, Teacher, Mentor, Counselor |
Terah has definitely shown me yet another way to see the world and the role I bring to this lifetime. I value her knowledge and wisdom which continues to help me grow and evolve in my own spiritual journey. Sheryl Hamza, PhD, Intuitive, Aura-Soma Registered Consultant, Feng Shui Master Practitioner, Mom, Wife, Writer, Teacher, Mentor, Counselor |

It was more fun doing the webinar than just reading about the angels. I have loved connecting with others on a different continent who also have a love for the angels, and experiencing the different ways we relate to the angels. The webinar felt safe and was conducted in a loving environment. I have a better understanding of my personal angels, and a better understanding of me. As a result I am more accepting of where I am. Instead of fighting and questioning my situation, I have learned to go with the flow. Where there is a challenge, I ask what is the lesson. The 72 angels webinar has helped me become more aware that there is more than meets the eye. And whilst I have always known that, doing the webinar has confirmed it. I hope we can stay connected with each other either thru private Facebook page or/and email where we can continue sharing our experience with the angels. Maria C. ~ Penrith, NSW Australia, Aura-Soma Practitioner | and