"Who are you that tells me these things? What is your name?" I asked. "I have infinite names. Which name would most interest you?" "How would I choose from infinity?" I replied. "The same way you choose who to be in this lifetime. But if you must have a name, I go by the name of any who has the heart to hear. What would you ask of us at this time?" "Who is 'us?'" I asked. "You and all of me, of course." "I want to know about what some of us call the 'Second Coming,'" I said. "So you want to know if there is such a one, who it shall be, and the name it shall carry?" "Well, yes, I guess so, though to hear you put it like that seems perhaps a little, well, limiting." "Exactly right! But that's what your life on Earth is about, you must know -- the magnificent challenge and opportunity to experience the eternal even in the limitations of time and place. That is the great creation experiment here -- to see how much of your soul and its purposes you can bring into physical beingness. How much of the seemingly impossible you can make possible. What of the unseen you can make visible. How to find the sameness underneath change and in all that seems different from you. How forgiveness among you can transform the past and release you into the present, where time and timelessness meet. And where all your power lies." "So the 'second coming' is irrelevant, then? "Ah, well, as to that, it's of UTMOST relevance -- in truth -- your salvation. For the second coming shall come from within. And its name shall be called Love." "Wasn't that essentially the message of the 'first coming?'" "Exactly. We have a merciful saying here too, 'if at first they don't succeed...' That said, you are at a time now when the numbers of people on Earth who are most awake to love are greatest, while those who aren't are most destructive. The good news is that, at this time when you most need love -- is also the time when individually and collectively you are most capable of it." Excerpt: From Within ~ Inner Tuitions from a Not-So-Small Voice (in progress, 2017 release)
Terah CoxLover of words & music, mountains and meaning, good friends and food, co-creative timeless talk and the more than meets the eye of everything! Archives
June 2020
Words are like gates. They can open us to each other's hearts and minds and show us those sacred places we can only go without them.