Dear friends,
Many of the world's myths and mythologies have portrayed direct interactions between the gods and humans as possible only when the god disguised himself/herself in a form that would be relatable to a human. Sometimes the disguise was another human, sometimes a swan (as in the story of Leda) or any number of other creatures. The reasoning behind this was that no human could receive the totality of Divine Light and remain in physical form to tell about it. All our circuits – let alone our entire physicality -- would be obliterated by that much light. Over a thousand years ago, the Angelic Kabbalah began to address this concept by revealing how we can interact with more humanely receivable “light-bytes,” or “angles” of Divine Light for transformation and ascension while still in the body. 20th century Kabbalah mystic, scholar and teacher, the late Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, picked up this thread in his own work. He referred to the 72 Angels of the Tree of Life in two ways. The first was to characterize them as “two-way [step-down/step-up] transformers” that enable the energies and vibrational communications of the Divine Light to be stepped-down for our human “receivers,” and likewise our human communications, desires, feelings, thoughts, etc. amplified vibrationally for reception in the heavenly realms. His second frequent reference to the 72 Angels was as the “edible fruits of the Tree of Life” which enable us to consume, digest and incorporate the Divine within our humanity. Which takes the whole idea of “you are what you eat” up a notch! After "throwing God out with the Bible Belt bathwater” as a child, I was energetically baptized in my late 20’s through visionary Christic encounters that included uncanny, even supernatural experiences with “winos, bag ladies and remarkable strangers of consequence” on the streets of New York City. After months of life-altering urban miracles which showed me that not only is the Divine real, but that it knows who I am and who everybody else is too, I finally one day said, “I get it, but no more visions and miracles, I don’t think my nervous system can handle it!!!” And immediately the inner “voice,” which had shown up to guide me through this spiritual adventure said, “Good! Now it’s time to learn to live on Earth!” (A place I had always felt weird to be.) My early days of Christic visitations and adventures evolved into years of “inner tuitions” and research into the world’s traditions, along with continuing mystical experiences and lots of opportunities for practical application of what I was learning. This brought me eventually to the Angelic Kabbalah and an over 20-year immersion into learning and experiencing a system of “practical mysticism” for daily life. Long and winding road short, what I have found most remarkable about this tradition is that it is energetically alive – and through the mere awareness and slightest engagement with the 72 Angelic Energies, things – synchronicities, coincidences, uncanny encounters, transformative events and more -- begin to happen in our lives before we even do or practice anything! Here’s the paradox for me as a writer and speaker: I have experienced in my own life a spirituality that transcends religious, or even “spiritual” dogmas and vocabularies – but in order to speak of and organize these things into communicable content, I must use words. Words that are at least somewhat recognizable by other humans. Paradoxcially, however, because of the intrinsically Divine origin and nature of words, we can use words to share ways/energies for transcending words – as in this little ditty that came to me one day about “What Love Would Say If It Could Talk:” I will always be here if you let me. I will go anywhere, if you take me. I can say anything, if you give me the words. I can say everything, if you don’t need words. Human beings, i.e., "souls with legs to stand on," are imprinted to seek otherness and communication. The source of words as vehicles for the transmission of energy and meaning is perhaps revealed in the first chapter of John in the Christian Bible: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This is also foundational to the mysticism of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which regards the Hebrew Alphabet as the first Creator Sounds that revealed and expressed the diverse nature of God and brought forth life throughout the cosmos. Early Kabbalists discerned the “Names of God” as Hebrew codes in the Old Testament chapter of Exodus which not only represented but could energetically transmit the very presence of God (sometimes referred to as the “Faces of God” or “Angels of the Presence”) – which are thus also imprinted throughout Creation in every soul of humanity. Hence, through these 72 Angels, or “angles,” of Divine Light, our “image and likeness” to the Divine is imprinted and continually amplified. “God so loves the world,” I was told inwardly, “that It meets us upon whatever path in whatever vocabulary we choose.” For a long time I had difficulty with the word “angel” because it has been used for so long to promote the idea of weak, puny humans that must prevail upon something higher and better outside of us to save us from ourselves – essentially encouraging Divine-Human divisiveness!! But what both Jesus and the ancient and medieval Kabbalists were trying to reveal to us was that the Divine is as much within us as around us, and that our nearest and most personally relevant route to the “above” is in the “below” of our own inner being. And so, the goal of my first live webinar series on the 72 Angels tradition is to introduce you to an expanded view of the Divine – and thus an expanded view of your own unique humanity. And then to guide you into dynamic relationship with these 72 “angles” of Divine Light that will ultimately enable you to BE an expanded, more loving and true, fulfilled version of yourself. I invite you to join me for the first live webinar course September 21st (22nd for Asia/Australia/NZ) or Sunday the 23rd (US, UK/Europe). Fee for the first course or the bundle option of all three courses is discounted with registration by September 5. I will love to share all this and more with you if you're so inclined! Blessings, love and light ~ Terah
Terah CoxLover of words & music, mountains and meaning, good friends and food, co-creative timeless talk and the more than meets the eye of everything! Archives
June 2020
Words are like gates. They can open us to each other's hearts and minds and show us those sacred places we can only go without them.