Work & Play with the 72 Angels & Your Personal Birth Angels
![]() Work with the 72 Angelic Energies of the Kabbalah is about much more than invoking Angels as guardians and protectors. As "refractions," or "angles" of the Divine Light and Being, they are regarded by Kabbalists not as creations of the Divine, but as the Divine Itself -- what has been referred to in certain ancient works, as well as in the Old Testament of the Bible, as "Angels of the Presence," and in the Kabbalah Tree of Life mysteries as "the Divine in detail." As particular qualities of the Divine "I AM" working within, and as, the qualities of our own human isness, the role of the 72 Angels in our lives is to help us know and express who we are as a unique expression of the Divine on Earth. They do this by amplifying our soul-awareness and "activating" the Divinity within our humanity so that we might bring more of the love and truth of who we are into all our being and doing.
"KNOW THYSELF!" the ancients and others have told us through the ages. "Know thyself, and you will know God," for "ye are made in God's image." Indeed, the diversity of all Creation is said to collectively express the inherent diversity of the Divine Itself, each of us individuating and expanding particular aspects of the Divine on Earth. The 72 Angels tradition gives us 72 ways to understand this and work toward the fulfillment of our potential and purpose to the mutual advantage of both the Divine and the human. :-) In our long-touted "image and likeness" of the Divine, it is said that we carry within our soul-light a "tincture" of all 72 qualities of the Angelic Divine within, and as, our own Divine-Human beingness. In addition, we are especially endowed with the qualities and support of at least three particular Angelic Energies -- our personal Birth Angels -- to help us fulfill the particularity of who we are and bring into fruition our unique soul identity and purpose. In working with all 72 Angels, as well as our Birth Angels, hurts are healed, challenges met and potentials and purposes realized -- all in our own true time. As we are more and more willing to meet the Angelic Divine at the altar of our own heart, the Angels work with and within us to help us open to our greatest Divine-Human possibilities in ways that can only be realized on Earth, through the particularity of our own individuation. When I was first introduced to the Angelic Kabbalah, I was overwhelmed by the depth and complexity of the tradition. Soon, however, I was surprised to realize that just becoming aware of the 72 Angels was beginning to trigger noticeable happenings in my day, as well as subtle energy shifts within me. I was counseled inwardly to not be concerned with learning everything right away. The most important thing was just to be in my "willing heart," rather than my analytical head, in order to simply allow the Angels to begin their work within me. Uncanny things begin to happen when you start working with the 72 Angels -- uncanny because they seem to be happening on their own, without your actually doing anything, in ways that particularly relate to you. Timely encounters and conversations, synchronicities and coincidences, little or big "signs" and guidances throughout your day, are how you know something is going on! What is going on is the alchemy of awareness. In working with the 72 Angels for almost 20 years, I have experienced that awareness is the key, and energetic catalyst, for inner and outer transformation. The ancient wisdoms have been telling us about the power of awareness for centuries. The writing of the first Birth Angels book (2004) began to create a foundation of awareness within me as I observed and felt the Angelic having their magical ways with me! But it is the subsequent three-year inner co-creation of the Daily Wisdoms for the Birth Angels Book of Days (2013-16) and the ongoing Daily Wisdoms Email Subscription Service that has provided a tool for continually renewing soul-awareness and Divine consciousness in the details, events and encounters of daily life. Our lives are lived not so much in our points of arrival, but in the minutia of the ongoing journey. And because life is always pulling us toward the density of matter and the pleasures and pains of physical life for the purposes of creation and manifestation, we need daily and moment-to-moment reminders to give soul and Spirit presence in our human being and doing -- which in turn magnifies the power and purpose of our lives. As more and more people attest, the 72 Angels Daily Wisdoms are powerful, loving and somehow always timely, given to help us to wake up our awareness to the Divine within, every waking day. For as the 72 Angels, or angles of Divine Light and Being have impressed upon me deeply -- we are not "only human." We are Divine-Human beings, with an outer and an inner composed of both the seen and the unseen, matter and essence, time and eternity. Once we become aware of the Angelic Divine "program" that is running within us, we begin to realize that there is more than meets the eye to not only ourselves, but everything and everyone in our life. The 3-step Path of Angel Alchemy Whether we work with the supporting Angel of the day, our personal Birth Angels or a specific Angelic Energy on a particular issue, our work involves asking, receiving and ultimately becoming/incorporating the essence of the Angelic Energy with which we are communing. Using this 3-step practice in meditation, contemplation or journaling can ultimately transform the base mettle of our humanity into the spiritual gold of Divine-Human consciousness. In the transformative inner processes of “Angel alchemy,” we realize the love and truth of who we are as the nature of the Divine Itself dwelling within, and as us, for the fulfillment of our soul potential and purposes on Earth. As you commune with each Angelic Energy, remember that you are working with a specific aspect of the Divine as an emanation of Divine Light and Presence within you – not a separate created being from “above” or “out there somewhere.” More than anything else, commingling with the Angelic Divine involves opening the heart in welcoming and willingness. 1. Ask (Invoke) – Pray/chant/speak the Angel’s name, open your heart and invite its presence to quicken within you. 2. Receive (Imbibe) – Breathe in, listen, meditate upon and allow the Angel’s essence and energy to expand within your heart and being. 3. Become (Embody) – Absorb, digest and assimilate the Angel’s qualities into the very belly of your beingness so that your awareness leads to transformed action (as in “walking the talk”). The effects of doing these steps for a few minutes daily, or even situationally, begin to accumulate exponentially within you as you keep growing your awareness. Your outer life of time and place becomes a continual opportunity to express the eternal through your inner Angelic Divine powers. As relationship with your own inner Divine deepens, you will come to trust the truth-voice in your heart and the messages offered in the “coincidental” and synchronicitous encounters and events in your outer world. You will gain a kind of second sight and uncanny knowing about people and circumstances. And as you tap more and more of your Divine-Human potential and purpose in both the great and small moments of your life, you will see yourself, others and all of life in the greater light of underlying unity and infinite possibility. Ways of Working with the 72 Angels In all our ways of working with the Angels, the purpose is, again, to increase awareness of our Divine-Human beingness. This awareness empowers us to bring more of the love and truth of who we are into expression in relationship with ourselves, each other, our work and purpose, and the greater world. In all this, we also enable the Divine to experience what more can be made of Itself through, and as, what more we make of ourselves. (1) Work with the Angel of the day to set your awareness for a particular Divine Energy that you can draw on to support, and even transform, the details, encounters and events of your day. The Birth Angels Book of Days, and the Daily Wisdoms via email service were created especially for this daily work. Taking in the Daily Wisdom at the beginning of your day can also draw opportunities for you to practice the very qualities that the Angelic Energy supports. For example, I always notice that on the days of ACHAIAH, which supports patience, I am always given situations in which I am invited to practice patience! You will find that the Divine speaks to us in whatever vocabulary/path we choose. And so, uncannily, many people report that even if they have not read the Daily Wisdom until the end of their day, they discover that their day was all about the qualities of that particular Angelic Energy! (2) Work with your personal Birth Angels to help you realize your soul-identity, what aspects of the Divine you are here to particularly manifest in this life, and how to use the eternal resources of the Angelic Divine within you to "supercharge" your human beingness and fulfill your soul purposes. Some of our religions and spiritual paths have long told us that we are made "in the image and likeness" of the Divine, and that to "know thyself" is to know God. I, and many, have found that working with this tradition, and especially one's personal Birth Angels, is a powerful means of discovering the purposeful love and truth of who we each uniquely are -- and that through the particular being and doing of our individual isness, we are enabling the Divine "I AM" to experience and expand into what more it can be through, for and as each of us. In working with our Birth Angels, it is helpful to work not only with their "Virtues," but to also note their "Inversions" to understand any feelings, attitudes and actions that occur when we are turned away, or inverted, from our potentials and purposes. The first Birth Angels book contains each Angel's Virtues and Inversions. Also see "Your Personal Birth Angels" on this website to learn more. (3) Work with a specific Angelic Energy whose qualities correspond to a particular issue or challenge in your life. This is one of the simplest and most straightforward ways of working with the 72 Angels. For example, if you are having difficulty with forgiveness, invoke the energies of HAZIEL, which supports Divine Mercy and Forgiveness. If you are dealing with the loss of a relationship, work with MUMIAH, the 72nd Angel that supports endings in preparation for rebirth. If you facing a healing challenge of some kind, work with with any of the several Angels that support healing on different levels. Working in this way is to partake of the Angelic Energies as "prescriptions" of Divine medicine -- with no adverse side effects! (4) Do family constellation work by tapping into the Birth Angels of family members and loved ones. Often with families and loved ones there are difficult, challenging and hurtful dynamics which are hard to understand or reconcile. By exploring the Birth Angels of all involved, we can begin to see how we have chosen, at a soul level, to come together and work with each other as opportunities for growth and transformation. Here it can be especially helpful to study not only the “Virtues” of our Birth Angels, but also their inversions — which represent the ways in which we act out when we are not acting as our true and loving selves. This Birth Angels constellation work is especially helpful when we are not able to speak or interact with loved ones, as with those who have already departed or with whom communication is not currently possible. We can also do this same work with friends, adversaries or difficult colleagues. Volume 4 of the Book of Days, which offers Wisdoms about relationship with others, can be especially helpful in this work. (5) Invoke particular Angelic Energies to enhance your work/purpose. For example, if you are beginning a project, endeavor or business, work with the first Angel VEHUIAH, who supports will and new beginnings. If you are a public speaker, invoke the energies of DANIEL, which amplifies the qualities of communication and eloquence. If you are a judge or mediator, work with NEMAMIAH, which amplifies discernment, or the justice of CALIEL, which helps to balance judgment and mercy. For whatever kind of work you do,Volume 3 of the Book of Days offers Wisdoms about discovering your purpose through what you love, and then working your purpose or purposing your work. (6) Work with the 72 Angels to deepen your own spiritual path. The Angelic Kabbalah is not a religion, but rather a system given centuries ago by multi-traditional Kabbalists to help people in all walks of life -- regardless of creed, culture or gender -- to experience direct and intimate communion and commingling with the details of one's inner Divine. My spiritual "backdrop" is Christian mysticism -- particularly through the figure of Jesus as the Christ and "visitations" that broke through my resistant attitudes and brought me to the altar of my heart and the Divine within (see "My Spiritual Journey"). The 72 Angels tradition emerged originally through the Judaiac Kabbalah, which is the mystical heart of Judaism -- the very religion and culture into which Jesus was born. In my inner spiritual work that for years revolved around the Christic messages, I was also inwardly instructed to read the texts of other religions and traditions, which ultimately included the Kabbalah. After years of exploring and studying I was most amazed not at their differences, but their essential sameness -- especially in their mystical aspects, which all centered around the power and purpose of Love. I was ultimately given to understand that we are so loved that we are met in whatever vocabulary, path or pathlessness of our choosing ("All roads lead home"). I was drawn to the Angelic Kabbalah because it contains the same loving messages as Jesus and the Christic mysteries, and because the 72 Angels, as angles of the Divine Itself, give us these 72 particular ways to work with and awaken particularities of the Divine within the details of our particular humanity. (7) Use the 72 Angels tradition to augment your own energy/healing/spiritual arts practice. It seems that more and more practitioners are working with the Angelic Kabbalah and the 72 Angelic Energies as illuminators and Divine helpers while working with clients. Invoking one of the several Angels that support healing, or the client's Birth Angels (determined by date and time of birth), the Angel of the day -- or a specific "angle" of Divine Light to support a particular issue -- can illuminate issues and deepen healing effects. In the field of astrology, certain astrologers include the correspondences of their clients' Birth Angels to the degrees and attributes of their personal astrological charts. The Aura-Soma Colour-Care-System, based in the U.K., has corresponded their "Equilibrium" soul-therapy products to the 72 Angels system, and an aroma-therapist I know in Scotland has created 72 Angels Essences. I have also worked with numerous personal and life coaches who are beginning to chart their clients' Birth Angels as part of their own preparatory work to gain insights into a client's qualities, challenges and potentials. ![]() more about....
Looking at the Angels in a Different Light It is important to understand that the role of the 72 Angels in human life goes way beyond the age-old concept of angels as "guardians" and "messengers." The 72 Angelic Energies, as emanations, rather than creations, of the Divine, represent energetic light-aspects of the Divine's own nature and being working within us to amplify our inner Divine and help us to meet both our challenges and our Divine-Human potential. The ancient Kabbalists working with the Angelic Kabbalah understood the 72 Angels as the "Faces" or "Names" of God -- the Divine in-detail, likely what the Bible refers to as the "Angels of the Presence." Read more... |
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