I work in as many ways as there are people who engage me. Thus, my approach with you will be tailored specifically to your particular issues, desires, goals, circumstances, spiritual or cultural vocabulary, and the pace at which you would like to work toward, essentially, truing-up your life. That may mean (1) getting some quick focused guidance about a particular issue, relationship dynamic or impending decision, (2) making significant life changes in relationship or work-purpose, and/or (3) diving into your depths to seek and find more meaning, and/or address deep-seated doubts and fears that have been undermining what you truly want for your life, or (4) whatever you bring to the table!
We always want our lessons to be done, and we're so prone to judging ourselves harshly for winding up in what may seem to be the same situations over and over. We want to get there already! But you cannot start from where you or someone else thinks you should be. No matter who, where or how you want to be or go, you always have to start from where you are with what is. Thus, we will start with whatever issue is most pressing for you. My practical goals will be to help you identify what you truly want so that indecision can be replaced with choice and inner and outer obstacles with opportunities. From there we will look at implementing next steps where you're ready and willing to take them.
We always want our lessons to be done, and we're so prone to judging ourselves harshly for winding up in what may seem to be the same situations over and over. We want to get there already! But you cannot start from where you or someone else thinks you should be. No matter who, where or how you want to be or go, you always have to start from where you are with what is. Thus, we will start with whatever issue is most pressing for you. My practical goals will be to help you identify what you truly want so that indecision can be replaced with choice and inner and outer obstacles with opportunities. From there we will look at implementing next steps where you're ready and willing to take them.
The Power of Extraordinary Listening and Shared Presence

In my experience, the most profound guidance occurs with what a friend called "extraordinary listening" -- being so utterly present and engaged with the other person and his/her story that we hear not only what is being said, but also what longs to be unearthed from the hidden layers of hurt, disappointment, confusion or fear and expressed to someone who can hear. You might also call this, simply, heart-listening. I have found with this kind of depthful shared presence, "where two are gathered" in true seeking, that a third infinitely loving presence attends which amplifies the possibility for revelation and healing. It is my job/purpose/delight as listener to "sound" your own within for what wants to be revealed -- and use the sacred energies of words and impressions given in the space between us to help awaken your awareness and trigger a personal truth within you that can lead to your own self-realization.
My Background and Resources

My "vocabulary" for personal guidance is tailored to your sensibilities and ranges from the practical, emotional and psychological to inspirational and multi-spiritual. Whether you approach life from a more inward or outward orientation, I have found through years of helping my beautiful fellow humans deal with the lingering pain of loss and grief, existential crisis, forks in the road, and all kinds of small or big personal and professional challenges, that tapping the inner realms of heart and soul is the first game-changer. From these come our sense of meaning and purpose and the truth of who we are and what we love. And from the love and truth of ourselves come our quantum leaps and "super-powers" to infuse time with the eternal and the mundane with the miraculous. By firing up these existential "spark-plugs" of your inner self in your outer being and doing, you are more apt to get from here to there -- wherever your "there" is -- with your heart in full throttle and your life a testament to not only surviving, but thriving!
My spiritual explorations have included many years of research, reading, writing and teaching about the esoteric depths of Christianity and the Angelic Kabbalah, as well as personal mystical experience and explorations in Sufism, Buddhism, Siddha Yoga, meditation, prayer, and communion with the natural world. I also draw from a variety of non-denominational spiritual and self-discovery systems, and one of the most helpful and uncanny of these is the Human Design system. While I am not a certified Human Design Guide, my class study, along with further self-study and application, has given me a body of knowledge to draw from which is immensely helpful to my clients in their own self-discovery journeys. My background also includes several courses at One Spirit Seminary (NY) in ecumenical religious studies, as well as with the works and workshops of thought leaders and guides such as Andrew Harvey, Fr. Thomas Keating, Fr. Thomas Merton, Fr. Richard Rohr, Abraham-Hicks, Gregg Braden, Marianne Williamson, Ken Wilbur and many, many others. While I draw on wisdoms from all these in my work, some of the most profound illuminations have been those that come from within while listening, writing and working with the "inner Divine" in myself and others.
Most importantly for you, whatever your spiritual beliefs or not, in our work together we will be mining your own inner and outer resources for your personal truths, what matters most to you and how you might bring more of who you truly are into the world. For I have found, again and again, that the best use of outer guides and "gurus" is to awaken the Teacher within.
My spiritual explorations have included many years of research, reading, writing and teaching about the esoteric depths of Christianity and the Angelic Kabbalah, as well as personal mystical experience and explorations in Sufism, Buddhism, Siddha Yoga, meditation, prayer, and communion with the natural world. I also draw from a variety of non-denominational spiritual and self-discovery systems, and one of the most helpful and uncanny of these is the Human Design system. While I am not a certified Human Design Guide, my class study, along with further self-study and application, has given me a body of knowledge to draw from which is immensely helpful to my clients in their own self-discovery journeys. My background also includes several courses at One Spirit Seminary (NY) in ecumenical religious studies, as well as with the works and workshops of thought leaders and guides such as Andrew Harvey, Fr. Thomas Keating, Fr. Thomas Merton, Fr. Richard Rohr, Abraham-Hicks, Gregg Braden, Marianne Williamson, Ken Wilbur and many, many others. While I draw on wisdoms from all these in my work, some of the most profound illuminations have been those that come from within while listening, writing and working with the "inner Divine" in myself and others.
Most importantly for you, whatever your spiritual beliefs or not, in our work together we will be mining your own inner and outer resources for your personal truths, what matters most to you and how you might bring more of who you truly are into the world. For I have found, again and again, that the best use of outer guides and "gurus" is to awaken the Teacher within.
See these options to work with me for personal guidance:
Truing-Up Your Life | Birth Angels Consults |
Weddings and Life Ceremonies: I have recently become ordained to officiate marriage rites and other ceremonies. Feel free to contact me about your important life event.
Image credits:
Terah photos: Stacie Florer
Balloon Sky: Pixabay.com
"Listening Witness" and "Meditation Presence" Word-Art: John Hain - Pixabay.com
Terah photos: Stacie Florer
Balloon Sky: Pixabay.com
"Listening Witness" and "Meditation Presence" Word-Art: John Hain - Pixabay.com